Thursday, September 25, 2008 |
At least somebody's rolling up his sleeves and doing the job we taxpayers expect and pay him to do.iven the challenge of fixing the worst economic crisis our nation has seen in living memory, John McCain faces it head on, dives right in where the action is, and works hard to get it fixed quickly for us.
Freshman Junior Senator OBusha, on the other hand, just wants to wait around on the sidelines, literally a thousand miles away, out there on the campaign trail by himself, detached, doing nothing but blaming others and complaining.
After President Bush tried to dump a $700 Billion budget-busting bailout in all our laps, John McCain said, "Not so fast."
Freshman Junior Senator OBusha, on the other hand, meekly went along with President Bush and even said, "Not enough. Make it bigger and broader."
Thankfully, John McCain clearly understands that fixing this mess in Washington is much more important to the American people and their economy than standing on some faraway stage in front of a camera talking about instead of doing something to fix the mess.
Freshman Junior Senator OBusha, on the other hand, is so out of touch with the American people that he feels they would rather watch him up on that distant stage hurling blame and insults at people and otherwise selfishly fiddling with his tie while our nation's economy is burning.
So who's taking action? Who's showing he's ready to lead in a time of crisis? Who's not wasting any time at all when there's a lot of hard work that needs to be done right away?
The next president of the United States of America: John McCain. That's who.
Labels: consumer rights, good versus evil

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