Unelected liberal judges once again protect government's denial of our fundamental rights.A
man's home is no longer his castle. Robed Masters® Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Paul Stevens, Stephen G. Breyer, David H. Souter, and Anthony Kennedy has
so ordered. Citizens now merely lease their respective places of residence from the state.
"Eeew, but States' Rights™ should always prevail over our individual ones," so goes the new-found liberal mantra. Typical socialistic thinking feeling.
Is it any wonder liberals aren't trusted anymore by the majority of our country's citizenry? By their dangerous acts and decisions, each envisioned to undermine our most basic human liberties as well as our security, liberals have all but finished that process of transforming themselves into complete, political pariahs. They are extremists, so far out of the mainstream they have no clue how much we reject—utterly—the statist hellholes into which they demand our entire nation progress.

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