

Liberal Utopia

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House Democrat Leader Unfairly Attacked for Innocently Quoting from al-Qaeda Magazine


Nancy Pelosi just thought we needed to know what all the terrorists have been saying all along, 'sall. Like, you know, as a public service and stuff.

Pelosi Criticizes Bush on Iraq Policies
[ TehranTimes.com (May 22, 2004)
No. 20, Sahand St., Beheshti Ave.
Tehran, Tehran
Iran ]

WASHINGTON (AP)- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi lashed out at President Bush on Thursday, saying his Iraq policies show incompetence and the only conclusion to draw is that "the emperor has no clothes."

"I believe that the president's leadership and the actions taken in Iraq demonstrate an incompetence in terms of knowledge, judgment and experience," the California Democrat told reporters at a Capitol Hill news conference.

efore anyone else piles on the Dhimmicrat's Leader, they need to view the full facts of this story. Clearly these aren't the words of a Member of Congress or one of the highest officials of a national political party during wartime. You see, it's like this:

About a week ago, Madam Leader received the latest issue of Sawt al-Jihad (Voice of Jihad) in her mailbox. It's just part of her "Pulling Curtains Back" on America's bloodthirsty, mortal enemies project. She wants to know what they're up to and saying. So she's reading the English version (PDF summary and analysis) of this al-Qaeda official magazine and seeing all the nasty, mean things they're saying about us and our president in it. She believes the American people should know about this too. So she urgently calls a press conference.

I mean, after all, this is the same magazine who's editorial policy is—

My fighting brother,
Kill the heretic; kill whoever his blood is the blood of a dog; kill those that Almighty Allah has ordered you to kill….
Bush son of Bush… a dog son of a dog… his blood is that of a dog… Shut your mouth and speak with your other mouth - the mouth of the defender against his attacker. Rhetoric might cause retreat.

Not a very nice thing to say, now, is it? Northeast Intelligence Network says the latest issue "contains roughly eleven stories or reports within its 42 pages, including an 'Editor's Note' that specifically addresses the recent audio tape message purportedly made by Osama bin Laden. The editorial makes a specific attempt to connect the alleged bin Laden message with a planned economic and political assault against the US to achieve the same results in a manner similar to the results achieved by the Madrid bombings." It's cover story is a report on recent metals-market manipulation. (Perhaps terrorists are looking for a way to increase the value of the gold they're offering for the assassination of our leaders.) But where some may only dabble in such research of these fanatics, our intrepid Dem Leader is really on to them.

At the press conference, Madam Pelosi merely told reporters what her counterparts in the terrorist organizations are saying.

Republicans swiftly responded by defending the president and assailing Pelosi for crossing the line for political gain.

Marc Racicot, the chairman of the Bush-Cheney campaign, described Pelosi's comments as a "reprehensible attempt to blame America for the actions of terrorists," and called on Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry to repudiate her remarks.

Now, see, this has all been an unfortunate misunderstanding. Here the Dhimmicrat Leader comes out and let's those of us who don't get Sawt al-Jihad know what the terrorists think; and this is the thanks she gets. As she keeps trying to say, these are "not my statements" but those of the terrorists.

The criticism of Bush - harsh even by the highly partisan standards in Washington - came as the president traveled to the Capitol to rally Republican lawmakers around his Iraq plan at a time of increasing violence in Iraq and outrage over Iraqi prisoner abuse by U.S. soldiers.

Bush told congressional Republicans he is sticking to a June 30 date for handing partial governing authority to Iraqis and that the Iraqis are ready to "take the training wheels off" by assuming some political power.

But the terrorists are saying things like "the results of [President 'Pharaoh' Bush's] action are what undermine his leadership" because "those soldiers are completely convinced of the lies and the unjust attitude of their government. Also, they miss a just cause to defend. The[y] only fight for the interests of the rich and those that lend their money for interest and the traders of arms and oil, including the gang of crime in the White House." Thus, "He has on his shoulders the deaths of many more troops." Yet "the shallowness that he has brought to the office has not changed since he got there."

Democrats, including Kerry, have been critical of Bush's stewardship of Iraq, but Pelosi's comments were the strongest to date. "This president should have known ... when you decide to go to war you have to know what the consequences of your action are and how you can accomplish the mission," Pelosi said. "There was plenty of intelligence to say there would be chaos in Iraq following the fall of Baghdad."

Plenty of intelligence to say al-Qaeda terrorists and Syrian commandos would try to create isolated hotspots and incidents to foment just a perception of "chaos" there. Dhimmicratic Leader Pelosi was only trying to tell us what our enemy already knows—that spooking our politicians with such imagined chaos is the only chance he has of winning the "propaganda" war and securing calls from them for our retreat: "we realized from our defense and our fight with the American enemy that it depends, to a large extent, on the psychological warfare during its fight because it possesses a huge propaganda apparatus. Also, it depends on intensive air bombing and, that is to hide its biggest weakness point which is fear, coward ness, and the lack of the fighting spirit within the American soldiers." Surely we needed someone to pull the curtain back on that.

Bush's policy "of ignoring his own State Department about what would happen after the fall of Baghdad and ignoring the intelligence as to the chaotic situation that would exist ... carries with it a responsibility for all of the costs of war," she said.

Madam Pelosi's purpose was not to offer any suggestions or constructive proposals for improving the situation. She just really thought we should know how much the terrorists are really counting on this perception of chaos to achieve their goals. After all, they're saying don't "pay attention to the futile solutions, the solutions of the prevaricators...who were preoccupied with their money and kindred and who were deceived by themselves." We should thank her for that heads up.

"And that's not only the president, that is all of us any time we vote to send our young people into harm's way. "The results of his action are what undermine his leadership, not my statements," she said. "The emperor has no clothes. When are people going to face the reality?"

In fact, what she said is what many terrorists are thinking. I think many terrorists want their leaders to speak out on these issues: "As for President Bush...these are only some of the tools used to deceive and exploit peoples....Stop shedding our blood so as to preserve your blood....You know that the situation will expand and increase if you delay things. If this happens, do not blame us - blame yourselves. A rational person does not relinquish his security, money and children to please the liar of the White House....Reality proves our truthfulness and his [George Bush's] lie."

Note their emphasis on "the cost in lives ... the cost in dollars to the taxpayer, and the cost in reputation to our country." Dhimmitudic Leader Pelosi was only pointing this out, as well as how they think "Bush is an incompetent leader. In fact, he's not a leader....He's a person who has no judgment, no experience and no knowledge of the subjects that he has to decide upon." She's seen the Sawt al-Jihad article which says his "capacity to lead has never been there. In order to lead, you have to have judgment. In order to have judgment, you have to have knowledge and experience. He has none." Isn't it helpful to know the thoughts of those who are desperately trying to annihilate us?

House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., said Pelosi's comments "were meant to inspire her political base. But who else do they inspire? If we followed Mrs. Pelosi's advice, Saddam Hussein would still terrorize the citizens of Iraq. We would still be waiting for the U.N. to make any decision regarding our national security." Rep. Tom Reynolds, R-N.Y., chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said if all Pelosi could offer is taunting U.S. troops "by saying they are dying needlessly and are risking their lives on a shallow mission, then she should just go back to her pastel-colored condo in San Francisco and keep her views to herself."

A Pelosi spokeswoman said that the congresswoman lives in a red-brick house.

I know Speaker McCarthy was trying not to get personal about it. Certainly, whether someone lives in a reddish-pink condommunium is just a statement of fact. In the interest of finding out what the terrorists are thinking, however, we should concentrate on the editorials and articles in Sawt al-Jihad which Madam Pelosi was kind enough to quote from for us in her press conference and interview.

For this reason I believe every God-fearing lover of our country should email the Democrat Leader and say how much they appreciate her relaying to us these terrorist-supported thoughts.

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